
Luke 15:1-10

I believe that all of us came here are hoping to hear a word from God.

What would God say if you asked him this question: What matters to you, God? What do you really care about? What’s really important to you?

As we continue this series over the coming weeks on understanding that we were created for Significance, my prayer is that we would come to a greater understanding of God’s heart.

That we would understand what truly matters to God. And that we would be devoted to partnering with God to see the Lost found.

Because He’s searching for two types of people, the Fully Committed and those who are Lost.   

He’s asking those who have given their lives to Him, to not sit on the sidelines, to not give a part of yourselves to Him, to no hold anything back, but to be Fully Committed, so that He can use us to reach the second group He’s searching for, those who are Lost.

Will you make this a matter of prayer this week?  Will you talk to God and make that commitment to Him?  Ask God to give you a heart for the lost, ask Him to help you see the lost through His eyes, ask Him to help you see what really matters to Him.

Pastor Wade